Debra Scroggins, Composer
Commissioning a new piece is an easy process. First, send an email to Debra from the Contact page to indicate your interest. She will reply and the conversation can begin. Please have in mind your desired voicing, accompaniment, instrumentation, text or theme, and deadline for completion.
Debra's music is available directly from this website if noted as self-published. Please indicate your interest in exam copies or questions about any of her compositions by sending her an email from the Contact page.
Music publishers which currently publish other titles are listed below:
Alliance Music Publications, Inc.
Decision AMP0788
I Shall Not Live in Vain AMP0903
Choristers Guild
A Grateful Heart CGA 1336
An Instrument of Thy Peace (SATB CGA 1331 or two part CGA 1330)
One Light CGA 1503
Morning Star Lullaby
Dream Land
A Woman's Dream
Heritage Music Press
If Thou Must Love Me 15/3420H
Sweeter Music 15/3464H
Music Spoke
Land of Liberty
How Do I Love Thee
Don't You Weep When I Am Gone
Oxford University Press
A Dream Within A Dream
The Lamb
Out of the Depths
Pavane Publishing
The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle JR0105 (John Rich Music Press)
Heartstrings P1468
Yishakeni P1510
Hope P1539
Sacred Music Press
Everywhere You
Sing, O Daughter of Zion
Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Inc.
Mars over the Horizon SBMP 1463
All Self-published titles are available through this website. Please indicated your interest in either exam or multiple copies by notifying the composer with the form on the Contact page.
Information regarding all other Publishers can be found on the Publishers page.